(Facilitator: Joshua Lynch) Solar radiation technology is more than 140 years old. Utility-scale wind energy is more than 70 years old. Despite the long-term existence of alternative, renewable technologies for energy generation, right now 90 percent of our electricity in the United States comes from the mining and processing of coal, oil, gas, and uranium. Almost all of our long-distance transportation involves burning gas or oil. These realities are not some accident of the free market. They are a result of 90 years of very expensive decisions from government and industry leaders.
The Youth Power Shift Campaign is a national youth-led effort to engage our schools, governments, and other institutions in an effort to dramatically reduce the negative impact of our energy system on the global climate, affected communities, and the environment as a whole.Geographical Scope: National Added on 03-03-2004 Updated on 07-09-2004 |