Legalize Marijuana in New York State
The marijuana prohibition was established by fraud, is based on false information and is a total violation of people's rights to privacy and religious freedom.

Cannabis flowers are the most potent and effective medicine known to humankind and can not be kept from the people without violating inalienable rights.

2009 is the time to change the laws and we need all of the letter writing, lobbying, protesting and civil disobedience we can muster. But we can not continue to let people fight their court battles alone. We need to all stick together with the growers and the users and say this law is not valid and those who enforce it are the ones committing a crime.
Geographical Scope: State
Added on 05-05-2009
Updated on 05-05-2009


June 6, 2009 -- Michael Barrier

your right, we here in mississippi are also focused on legalisation of marijuana, together we all can get it done through effort and endurance.