Helsinki Finland We invite you to join us and all other like minded members of codewit to fight for the betterment of our people. whether you are a students or working class person or a trader. Please register with us now and start today to actively participate in our activities to transform Africa. White people cannot do it for us. We need you to form a great coalition in order to solve our African problems. it is African problems and must have African solution
As you can agree with me that , In all societies around the world, students who attend universities are a relatively privileged segment. After all, having the time and resources to acquire knowledge and to study and think critically about issues are, unfortunately, privileges in the world today. Privileged status brings a choice: how will a person use these privileges? Will the privileges be used to advance oneself economically and socially, even if it means ignoring oppression and destruction all around and perhaps even helping to perpetuate these conditions? Or will a person use privileges to confront and eliminate the conditions of oppression and destruction? For me and a good number of great people we have seriously pondered these questions and have consciously decided to use our resources, time, and talents to confront social problems
We are looking for those who will coordinate this organization in every sphere of influence, or simply in their hearts, and prayers. People who are willing to live and fight for a cause greater than themselves. We must restore hope again to the millions of suffering Africans. There is no change without self sacrifice; we are looking for those with the Codewism ideology that a new Africa must not necessarily translate into personal wealth, but an Africa where hope abides for everyone. We must stand up today for the destiny of our children; we must be the generation that stood up for what is right. Your question should not be how many people are willing?, rather it should be: am I willing? We are seeking for Africans all over the world to run for elected offices in their various countries with our ideology. It makes no difference who and where you are now, all that is necessary is willingness to bring change through altruistic service. Please complete and submit this registration form. and begin to work with us for the change
This is a non-campus group. Geographical Scope: International This group is a network. Added on 07-03-2008 Updated on 03-22-2009 |