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This is a campus activist.
A young'un(pardon my southern eupheumism) with great hopes of being a true pioneer fro the underprivileged Art students that litter South Florida. I've seen people with more talent and skill than the so-called "accomplished" authors and artists who were lucky enough to be born in a society where the arts are encouraged. I know I'm just saying things which seem like the bitchy musings of a wanna-be anarchist whose read too many novels from the 60's but hey, why deny my roots? As well I am working on a year-long research paper for my last year of high school in which I am focusing on the effect that Activism have had upon on the arts in all its facets(Writing, Theater, Music, and movies) and trying to gain as much information on groups who share the ideals I try to uphold in my southern-baptist community who all take turns giving comments to me(at publix or wal-mart) on the length of my hair or shabby condition of my jeans. So if someone reads this, through any means it makes no difference, please I beg on the knees of a man who has the look of both sinner and saint, hippie and metal-head, etc..etc.. that please any info on groups or people known for being involved in my aforementioned topic please contact me!