Sara Cartwright
School Address

Bellingham, Washington 98227
United States
Permanent Address

Bellingham, Washington 98225
United States
Carefully pronouncing the words, slowly and carefully, Phanuwat Phayao, my sponsor child in Thailand is able to say "Thank you" in English. I repeat it back him, in the same slow careful manner in the Karen language.. We aren't that much different after all. I have the unique ability as a citizen of the United States to make a difference in the lives of people around the world and I intend to broaden the horizons of anyone willing to do the same. Their compassion in amazing, their hope unmatched. Refugees can teach you much more than you thought possible about life, hope and the will to survive.
Discover what you can do and use wisely the time that is given to you.

Sara Cartwright
8:44 am
30 November 2007
Added on 11-30-2007
Updated on 11-30-2007

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