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New Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for PractitionersNew Tactics in Human Rights: A Resource for Practitioners book. Created by the New Tactics Project. Visit their site to purchase the book or get their other useful resources 40369001-22-2008
Winning Wages: A Media Kit for Successful Living Wage StrateDesigned as a “best practices” resource, this kit provides extensive information, tips, how-to’s, case studies, check lists, message language, media spin strategies and much more. It’s just 25779011-19-2006
Uprising 2001-2002Uprising 2001-2002 : Concordia Student Union's student agenda book. Imagine a regular student schedule book written by anarchists. Approximately 300 pages.22430205-03-2004
Four Core Elements of StrategyOn organizational strategy. By The Change Agency.18086507-10-2007
Tactical MappingA collection of tactical mapping resources from Available in English, French, and Spanish.15825001-22-2008
March 20th Books Not Bombs PostersPosters for the March 20th Global Day of Action with 5 different themes: *Funding For Education Not Empire! *Military Out of Our Schools! End the Poverty Draft!*Protect Our Civil Liberties! *Campuses 11892003-03-2004
The Open Source Classism, Racism and Sexism ProjectThis is the Open Source Classsism, Racism and Sexism Project. This project is a series of independently created publications which I am compiling from sources all over the world. The first installment11391004-09-2006
Student Power EssayActually a 16 page illustrated booklet. By Aaron Kreider. Why/how students should get power. Written in 2001. Revised 2007.10597502-27-2007
SEAC Organizing GuideStudent Environmental Action Coalition Organizing Guide. 104 pages. Useful for non-environmentalists. Includes group structure, process, choosing an issue, campaign strategy, tactics, and more. In my 10493504-10-2007
Classroom Sweatshop PresentationSWEATSHOPS AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: where does the consumer fit in? 20-minute popular education workshop. 9648509-18-2005
Educating about AbleismEducate about discrimination towards people with "disabilities". Five sessions. By SocialJusticeEducation.org7846005-03-2004
Anarchism in Action HandbookA long collection of resources for anarchist activists. 340 pages.7030401-14-2003
War and the Economy - Workshop MaterialsWar & the Economy Too Many Guns, Not Enough Butter. By United for Fair Economy. 2004.6807011-19-2006
Fighting Military Research Case Study: We Almost WonThe 1988-89’ Student Campaign to end Military Weapons Research at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. By Randy Viscio.5770001-27-2009
Not In Our Name Anti-Recruitment FlyerThis is a general flyer outlining why youth should resist the military and military recruitment.5532102-13-2004
Drinking Age Act Leg. Ana.A legislative analysis of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984.5262501-19-2003
The Multicultural, Multiracial Sweat Equity SystemThe Multicultural Sweat Equity System for Creating The International, Multicultural, Peace Movement headquarters known as: The Networking For Peace Multicultural Cohousing Resource Neighborhood. O5076004-21-2005
Closing the Racial Wealth Divide - Workshop MaterialsBy United for a Fair Economy. and 2006.4867011-19-2006
Port Huron Statement - Students for a Democratic SocietyThe 1962 vision statement by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).4850007-22-2004
Educating about ClassismExamines discrimination by socioeconomic class. Four sessions. By SocialJusticeEducation.org4382005-03-2004
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