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A Ten Step Mediating Conflict ModelOutlines a ten-step process for mediating a conflict. Slide-format.3594007-10-2007
A Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 - 2006An Incomplete Timeline of Activism at UC Santa Cruz: 1965 – 2006. By Josh Sonnenfield. 40 pages.2804011-20-2007
ACLU Student Organizing ManualACLU Student Organizing Manual. Circa 2000.2114009-19-2003
ACORN Living Wage GuideFirst 128 pages. 2002. To order the full guide, send a check or money order for $15 (payable to ACORN) to Denise Johnson at ACORN: 739 8th St. SE; Washington, DC 20003.1489010-01-2005
Action Theatre: Initiating ChangesThe use of theatre to motivate a community to take action - a case study from Bangladesh. A Tactical Notebook published by the New Tactics Project of the Center for Victims of Torture. Ne1415001-22-2008
Activism History of Notre DameBeyond Football: Over Thirty Years of Radicals at Notre Dame. An activist history essay by Aaron Kreider. 23 pages.2613011-20-2002
Activist Research Guide16 pages. By Megan of Vancouver Tao.1878010-01-2002
Advanced Fundraising - WorkshopSlides for a workshop on fundraising. By Bob Burton.1336007-10-2007
AFSCME Internal Organizing ManualBuilding Power in the Workplace: the internal AFSCME organizing manual. For union organizing. 53 pages. 2000.2942007-08-2008
American Opportunity: A Communications ToolkitTools, tips and techniques for building the national will to expand opportunity for all. By The Spin Project and The Opportunity Agenda. 52 pages. 2006.1451011-19-2006
An Action Guide for Education OrganizingFor organizing on educational issues. By the Center for Community Change., 2005. 104 pages.1803011-19-2006
An Action Guide to the Community Development Block Grant ProFor much of this period, one of the largest federal programs that is supposed to primarily benefit low income people is the Community Development Block Grant program, or CDBG. Every year the federa1996011-19-2006
An Activist's Guide to Basic First AidA useful guide for people engaging in direct action protests. By the Black Cross Health Collective. 20 pages.3012005-04-2004
An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg UniversityThe Search for the Metamotivated Activist: An Analysis of Student Activism at Wittenberg University. By Katie Adamson. Uses a social movements framework and statistics to look at what issues could mo1953001-03-2005
An Emerging Model for Working with YouthA paper by the Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing. On Youth Activism. 28 pages.1517009-20-2003
Anarchism in Action HandbookA long collection of resources for anarchist activists. 340 pages.7030401-14-2003
Anarchism: From Theory to PracticeA primer on anarchism. By Daniel Guerin. 39 pages.2028011-12-2004
Anarchism: What it Really Stands For.An essay in pamphlet form by Emma Goldman.1981009-19-2003
Annotated Bibliography on Youth OrganizingBy the Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing. 27 pages.1375009-20-2003
Anti- Rave Act flyerThis is a one page with quarter page flyers. I made it for a glow party on campus to inform students that in the real world you can go to jail for those glow sticks....1383004-07-2004
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