Resource | Long Description | Downloaded | Rating | Update |
FBI/CIA Leaflet | Use it to leaflet when the FBI or CIA do a recruiting visit to your campus. | 2089 | 3 | 03-07-2002 |
A History of US Graduate Student Organizing and Unionization | A short history. By Robert Ovetz. 11 pages. | 2074 | 0 | 02-17-2004 |
Straight Privilege | Daily effects of straight privilege.
By Earlham students.
2 pages.
| 2067 | 0 | 05-04-2004 |
Nonviolent Action Handbook | About everything you need to know to organize a nonviolent action. It'd be easier to read in print, so you should buy a paper copy from the War Resisters League for only $3. | 2058 | 0 | 09-20-2003 |
Mountaintop Removal Fight Timeline | A brief timeline of the fight to end mountain-top removal and valley fills. | 2052 | 0 | 02-04-2004 |
Guide for Public High School Leafletting and Petitioning | Published by the San Diego Campaign to Demilitarize our Schools and a project of the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD)
P.O. Box 15195, San Diego, CA 92175 (619) 265-1369, (760) 753 | 2050 | 0 | 01-24-2004 |
Mentorship and Peer Support | Non-government organisations can be tough places to work. Many have high rates of staff and volunteer turnover and
burnout – 40% per annum or even higher. Campaigners are often expected to hit the | 2031 | 0 | 07-10-2007 |
Expose Circuses | Help document animal abuse in circuses | 2028 | 0 | 03-16-2005 |
Anarchism: From Theory to Practice | A primer on anarchism. By Daniel Guerin. 39 pages. | 2028 | 0 | 11-12-2004 |
What is Democratic Socialism? 10 Questions & Answers | A resource (pdf) for those who want to find out more about democratic socialism and the Young Democratic Socialists. | 2014 | 0 | 12-10-2003 |
Sweatshop Movement Essay | Combating Sweatshops from the Grassroots. An essay by Robert Ross including analysis of United Students Against Sweatshops. 31 pages. | 2012 | 0 | 01-14-2003 |
Class Struggle: Student Activism in American Public Schools | This is a 30 page article I wrote in December 2006. The article explores the issue of K-12 (mostly but not exclusively high school) student activism in U.S. public schools. It features original interv | 2008 | 0 | 12-10-2006 |
NYU Disorientation Guide 2008 | The 2008 edition of NYU inc.’s Disorientation Guide is finished! The Disorientation Guide is a growing tradition at NYU - the first one was published at the beginning of the 2002 school year, and st | 2008 | 0 | 09-16-2008 |
Counter Recruitment Flier | Ten Points to Consider Before You Sign a Military Enlistment Agreement.
By the American Friends Service Committee Youth and Militarism Program.
2 pages. | 2006 | 0 | 05-04-2004 |
Coal Blooded Action Toolkit | The Coal Blooded Action Toolkit is a step-by-step guide on how to take action to address pollution from coal fired power plants. The toolkit has six modules: Investigating Coal in Your Community, Awa | 2005 | 0 | 01-25-2013 |
End Campus Complicity with War | Two page essay on ending your school's support for war by challenging the CIA, FBI, military recruiters, ROTC, and military research. By Aaron Kreider. | 2000 | 4 | 02-12-2003 |
Tampaction Workshop Flyer | This is a basic flyer for a tampaction workshop. The text reads "The Truth About Tampons: What Your Mother Never Told You" and then in smaller print at the bottom, "Come to this workshop to find out t | 2000 | 0 | 10-04-2004 |
Why Unions Matter | In this PDF pamphlet, Elaine Bernard (member of the Democratic Socialists of America and executive Director of the Labor and Worklife Program at the Harvard Law School) explains why anyone who cares a | 1999 | 0 | 07-13-2005 |
An Action Guide to the Community Development Block Grant Pro | For much of this period, one of the largest federal
programs that is supposed to primarily benefit low
income people is the Community Development Block
Grant program, or CDBG. Every year the federa | 1996 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
Mountaintop Removal Factsheet | Mountaintop removal is a method of surface mining that removes a seam of coal by blasting off the top of a mountain and dumping the "excess spoil" into the valley below. Through this practice, the US | 1994 | 0 | 03-04-2004 |