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Tampaction Workshop FlyerThis is a basic flyer for a tampaction workshop. The text reads "The Truth About Tampons: What Your Mother Never Told You" and then in smaller print at the bottom, "Come to this workshop to find out t1996010-04-2004
Tampaction Outreach BrochureThis is an outreach brochure for the Tampaction Campaign. It gives an overview of the problems with tampons, the alternatives, and how to get involved with Tampaction.1928002-26-2004
Tampaction Action PacketThe Tampaction Action Packet is a comprehensive guide to taking apart the destructive feminine hygiene industry.1896003-04-2004
Talking with Men in TiesIn school administrations, often the people in power are Men in Ties. Learn how to deal with these people. By Daniel Hunter, based on his experiences at Earlham. 14 pages.1561005-04-2004
Tactics and Self-Defense for the Modern ProtesterShields, body armor, and group tactics for direct action protests. By Sarin. 25 pages.1513005-04-2004
Tactical MappingA collection of tactical mapping resources from Available in English, French, and Spanish.15781001-22-2008
Tactic AnalysisUse this exercise to analyze the effectiveness/usefulness of a given tactic. Adapted by Daniel Hunter, Training for Change from a design by Shari Silverstein, Quixote Center .1402007-10-2007
Systems of Domination LeafletAll forms of oppression are related and evil.2188003-07-2002
Syllabus for a Course on Student MovementsA syllabus for a college level course on the history of student movements in the US. Includes a detailed reading list and a progressive approach to grading. Unfortunately I have never had the chan2494303-09-2004
Sweatshop Sit-Ins PaperMasters thesis on student participation in anti-sweatshop sit-ins at eight universities in 1999 and 2000. Heavy on statistics, but also includes useful findings for those planning to do a sit-in. What1603011-25-2002
Sweatshop Movement EssayCombating Sweatshops from the Grassroots. An essay by Robert Ross including analysis of United Students Against Sweatshops. 31 pages.2007001-14-2003
Swarmwise: The Tactical Manual To Change The World"'Your most valuable asset isn’t your employees,' I told the executive. 'Your most valuable asset is the thousands of people who want to work for you for free, and you don’t let them.'" 300 pgs. 1923007-23-2017
Supporting a Survivor of Sexual AssaultBy UBUNTU and Men Against Rape Culture, Durham, North Carolina. Nine principles for survivor support. 20 pages.1294005-21-2008
Suits & Spooks by John Peck"How to Research, Expose, and Challenge Military and Corporate Influence on Your Campus" - a version of this also appears in Campus Inc. edited by Geoffry White (Prometheus Books 2000)1723001-17-2004
Students for a Democratic Society - PaperA paper on the history of SDS. By Dana Zakrzewski.2536009-20-2003
Student Unions EssayBy Charlie Eaton.1922403-07-2002
Student Rights HandbookStudent Rights Handbook, produced by the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and the New Jersey State Bar Foundation.1407006-19-2006
Student Power for Accessible Education - Campaign OrganizingBy Students for a Democratic Society. 20 pages www.studentsforademocraticsociety.org3424012-02-2008
Student Power EssayActually a 16 page illustrated booklet. By Aaron Kreider. Why/how students should get power. Written in 2001. Revised 2007.10576502-27-2007
Student Power CycleAn essay on creating a strategic timeline for student activist campaigns. Why your campaign should probably peak in March/April. By Aaron Kreider. 5 pages.3460409-23-2003
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