Prisoners Overseas

110A Windebanks Rd
Happy Valley
Adelaide, SA 5159
08 83819761
This site has been created to provide comprehensive information and advice for families with loved ones imprisoned overseas or at home.

We aim to provide a 24 hour lifeline of information online. What is not currently on the site, we will research for you. Please let us know what you need at

We also aim to raise awareness for political and religious prisoners and the organisations that support them, and the many other organisations who campaign tirelessly for human rights.

We are also keen for people to share their experiences and submit information and research that may help families and prisoners. The hours and days after arrest can be crucial for the prisoner.

We hope to alleviate some of the stress families endure, by quick and easily accessible information online. The stress and trauma often felt by families with loved ones imprisoned overseas is often intensified by the distance and isolation this causes.

This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 10-14-2005
Updated on 10-14-2005

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