2840 S. Rodeo Gulch Rd Soquel, California 95073 United States 831-479-9596Building a team to establish a team
of activists, Senior Power! - Youth
Power! to establish within the SF
Bay Area the needed process for the
vision of this Internation strategy
to give voice and empowerment to
neighborhoods of color and target
in Mexico a program that is called:
Grupo Amistad North or South.
Lead agency: National Community
Development Institute.
web: NCDInet.org
Starting the conversation with:
a 10 page white issue paper that
links up Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
and Cesar E. Chavez to service learning k/12.
Open to all, a developing strategy
to create: "University of Promise"
and build a local "team" that can
creat in one or more neighborhoods
of color strategies designed to
value and empower children and youth. "In the future all youth will come together to make this a
better world"
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.This is a non-campus group. Geographical Scope: International Added on 02-13-2006 Updated on 02-13-2006 |