1600 William E. Summers III Avenue #101 Louisville, Kentucky 40211 United States 502-821-8601The Movement/SDTAB.Com is a two-tier organization founded with the sole intent of enhancing the lives of students, staff, and faculty of Howard University. The Movement/SDTAB.Com seeks to serve as an independent think tank & interest group/watch-dog organization to provide much needed independent insight and guidance for the Howard University Administration and Student Government as it relates to the services received by students.
Our Story:
In recent years, the notion that Howard University Students are apathetic, politically inactive, and complacent as it relates to campus life and most other areas of their lives has risen to the forefront of thinking for many who are familiar with the rich tradition of Howard University and the passion of its students. Some believe that our generation possesses no leaders to carry the baton once carried by Thurgood Marshall, Zora Neal Hurston, Charles Hamilton Houston, Patricia Roberts Harris, Ralph Bunche, Ossie Davis, Shirley Chisholm, Corretta Scott King, Johnny Cochran, Rosa Parks or so many of the others who have lead the African American Community in the past.
Having serious concerns and many frustrations, which in our opinion have lead to such a perception, many students have sought to change that view. After meeting with several key administrators, there was feeling that those meetings were to no avail, a group of Howard University students mobilized to spark a movement on campus that from its creation hoped to be of a revolutionary regard. Led by students Courtney Phelps, Max Rouzier, and Cory Scott - with the support of hundreds of students, many faculty, staff, and members of the administrators - dedicated themselves to creating change on the Campus of Howard University. That movement was launched with the drafting and presentation of the Declaration of Student Frustration. The Movement has begun and today our Movement for change continues!
This is a campus group. Geographical Scope: Local Added on 04-20-2006 Updated on 04-20-2006 |