Common Ground Kids & Community Project

1415 Franklin Ave
New Orleans, Louisiana 70117
United States
The Kids & Community Project has been operational since December 2005 and has provided services in the following four areas, on a net annual budget of less than $30,000:

Current programs

The Kids and Community Afterschool program
An interdisciplinary arts and skill-based, youth leadership afterschool program for Martin Behrman Charter Elementary School students, ages 8-14, which began spring '06

The Woodlands Apartments programs
Before and after school activities for youth and their families at The Woodlands, a notoriously neglected and mismanaged 360 unit apartment complex in Central Algiers
. Kids' Bike Shop, serving 10-20+ kids per day
. Weekly Thursday Night Basketball Tournaments, attended by 60+ people
. Bi-Monthly Community Unity Day celebrations, attended by 80+ people.

Past achievements

The Woodlands Apartments programs
. Children's Breakfast Program, serving 20-30+ kids/day
. Summer Camp, serving 20 kids, aged 4-10, per day

Support for Existing Educational Programs
Recruitment, training and housing for 21 volunteer teaching assistants who worked in the following summer programs:
. Capdau UNO Charter Elementary School (K-8)
. Medard Nelson UNO Charter Elementary School (K-8)
. Sophie B. Wright Middle School (5-8)
. KidsmArt (
. Country Day Creative Arts (in return Country Day Creative Arts provided 5 scholarships to students from our afterschool program)

Educational supplies acquisition and distribution
. Martin Behrman Charter Elementary School
. 300+ backpacks filled with school supplies
. 120+ winter coats
. 1400+ Christmas and Valentines Day gift packages
. 300+ books to various public schools
. Approx. $10,000 worth of art and school supplies at the Woodlands Apartments and 9th ward distribution centers.

We are hoping to expand our programs at the Woodlands Apartments and will continue our afterschool program in the fall. We are looking to continue collaborating with other organizations and members of the community through a process of mutual aid, guided by the Common Ground philosophy of solidarity, not charity.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 09-29-2006
Updated on 09-29-2006

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