Democratizing Education Network

P.O. Box 260217
Madison, Wisconsin 53726
United States
The Democratizing Education Network works to unite student associations, labor unions, faculty organizations, and grassroots student, parent, and community groups in a national movement against the corporatization of education, and for the democratization of schools, colleges, and universities. This network promotes student - staff - faculty - community unionism and industrial action, including industrial strikes, as essential parts of effective education organizing.

Constituent organizations are dedicated to the complete fulfillment of the Democratizing Higher Education Charter:

1) Full Public Funding for Public Higher Education
2) Free Access to Higher Education and Abolition of Tuition
3) Affirmative Action to End Institutionalized Racism and Sexism
4) Full Recognition of the Right of Students and Workers to Organize
5) Democratic Self-Government of Higher Education
6) Service to the Public Welfare, Not Corporate Profits
7) Free Speech and Academic Freedom
8) Debt Forgiveness of Student Loans
9) Civic Education for a Democratic Society
10) Education, not war. Schools, Not Jails

This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
This group is a network.
Added on 06-13-2007
Updated on 06-13-2007

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