Education Action!

16 Lowell Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
United States
Education Action! is Jonathan Kozol's new education activist network. The mission of Education Action! is to create, for the first time in America, a unified and broad-based national movement with the power to shake the conscience of this nation to its core by confronting the shameful inequalities of inner-city education and to bring about dramatic transformations in our public schools. We work to increase the overall morale and to reduce the staggeringly high attrition rate of urban educators by recruiting, connecting and supporting well-educated, highly principled teachers in urban schools. We will advocate for equitably funded, economically and racially integrated public schools, and work to encourage stimulating learning environments in urban schools that will reduce the achievement gap between minority/lowincome children and the middle-class mainstream of our nation’s students. We are building a network of like-minded education activists, ready to take action to defend the dignity of a beautiful profession and to demand justice for the students in our nation’s urban schools.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 01-29-2008
Updated on 01-29-2008

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