NOT DISCLOSED N. Massapequa, New York 11758 United StatesI have created a LEGISLATIVE only political party. You remain in your party and also join ours to get needed legislation.
We the people of the United States of America form this Liberal Democratic Party of the United States of America for the promotion of a progressive agenda for America.
We generally support the progressive and liberal candidates that run in the regular Democratic party. We do not run candidates. We do not handle money. Our power comes from the unionization of our party members who tell GOP contributors and other regressive contributors that UNTIL you get the House and Senate and the President to enact our party platform at the present point into law YOU will lose our business as consumers. By doing this we avoid petitioning a corporate corrupted congress and go to the source of corruption and pressure them for the legislation under threat of massive boycotts.
Party members will send the party agenda by email to these GOP and regressive contributors and get new people to join us.
Imagine it and it will happen.
The Republican party appears weak and vulnerable at the cash registers of those companies that give money to them.
To join us go here and send some emails and get others to go there. If you like this message then Join us.
This is a non-campus group. Geographical Scope: National Added on 11-24-2010 Updated on 11-24-2010 |