1309 Jackson Street Durham, North Carolina 27707 United States (919) 490-6533Teenagers Politically Active is a non-profit, nonpartisan, youth lead, education and activist organization located in Durham, North Carolina. Our goal is to motivate and provide opportunities for your peers to voice their opinions on what they can do to improve their communities and schools. Futhermore, to develop leadership and new ideas for positive social change, help with common social challenges, promote social awareness about and among youth, encourage community and school based activism, protect and advance the legal civil rights of youth. We must strengthen the educational, cultural, environmental, political, and socail conditions of youth and advocate for more teen facilities, programs and activities.
TPA will focus its attention on the future of teenagers and leadership for the next generation. Through our active community and school participation, we will be able to bridge the gap that separates the youth from the adults. It is our duty to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
TPA aims to achieve its goal through educating people about yourh rights, working with government and school offficials to devise fitting policy solutions to problems affecting young people and empowering young people to work on their own behalf.
TPA encourages all the youth of Durham to play an active part in the struggles of their communities and schools as well as the strengthening of the educational, cultural, environmental, political, and social conditions of youth. In doing so, TPA strives to achieve fundamental social change for the benefit of all young people. It endeavors to unite the youth of our city to take their rightful place in the affairs of their schools and communities. This is a campus group. Geographical Scope: Local Added on 02-08-2003 Updated on 02-08-2003 |