
125 Dwight St
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
United States
Unfarallon is a national coalition working towards disclosure of private equity at universities. Disclosure would allow members of the university community to find out what private equity companies are doing with university endowment money.

We are focusing on Farallon Capital Management, one of the world's largest hedge funds and a major investor for U.S. universities.

We have written Farallon's senior managing member, asking him to meet with a delegation of students to discuss greater disclosure, and respond to our concerns about the social and environmental impact of Farallon's investments (see www.unfarallon.info).

Be sure to look at the website and please join our campaign. Email info@unfarallon.info
to get involved. We are planning a national day of action in mid-April 2004.

This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
This group is a network.
Added on 03-28-2004
Updated on 03-29-2004

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