Students for Genital Integrity

66 Farallones St
San Francisco, California 94112
United States
Students for Genital Integrity(SGI) is working to end forced genital cutting; a practice adults perpetuate on children in order to conform with society's concepts of aesthetics and normality.

SGI dispels the myths and misconceptions surrounding the effects of forced genital cutting. SGI accomplishes this through awareness campaigns targeting students, parents, teachers, and health care providers. Genital cutting includes:

* Routine infant male circumcision (MGM)
* Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
* "Sex reassignment surgery" on intersex children (IGM)

It is a fact that forced circumcision or genital cutting violates basic human rights. Learn more about this important issue and SGI's effort to bring about change. Be sure to check out the links page for further information.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
This group is a network.
Added on 04-16-2004
Updated on 04-17-2004

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