Miami University Students for Peace and Justice

Oxford, Ohio 45056
United States
Students for Peace and Justice is a non-partisan and exclusively student-run coalition working for justice in the world and local communities. We meet every week to develop strategies for the initiatives proposed by our peers. Our mission is to advocate and employ the use non-violent techniques to faciliate the changes vital for realizing humankind's shared ideal of peace in the world. We are currently engaged in a campaign to get fair trade coffee on campus at our university. Past projects have included campaigns against the war in Iraq, boycotts against Mt. Olive Pickle, and our university's first worker's strike. In addition to our work on campus we go on annual trips to Latin America with Witness for Peace and to protests such as Plan Columbia and School of the Americas.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 11-23-2004
Updated on 09-10-2006

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