Fusion, A Columbia College Multicultural Org.

623 S. Wabash
Rm 300
Chicago, Illinois 60605
United States
In the beginning our club were 'All Students In the Arts' or A.S.I.A. which established around Fall 2000. The club meetings were about discussions of Asian news and community. For the first time, A.S.I.A. Club , suprised the Columbia Management and Faculty with unique way of conducting the Student Meetings & Events with amazing set ups and cool topics. The numbers of members grew double to the second semester. In the Spring of 2001, A.S.I.A. E-board was plannining to achieve the biggest project of school year. The very first Fashion Show, because Sharon Lee (ASIA President) was very into fashion-design and wanted to help student who have major in fashion to show off their costume designs. Also, Snehal Patel (ASIA Vice President) was into Hip-Hop music, and he suggested to make a Fashion Show in Hip-Hop style. Yuchia Chang (ASIA Faculty) with a lot of exp-
erience in Columbia Events , advised to the e-board to include the students telents, music acts and poetry. That was the inspiration for the sold out & popular show 2001 called '01 FUSION Fashion Show with 5th Platoon Turntablists.
For the Fall 2001 & Spring 2002, the new E-board disided to change the name, because the majority of club's members were more diversive and multicultural. So, we called our club with successful name, FUSION. Last Spring 2002, Fusion EUPHORIA, an unforgatable Two Days Show proved that we're still are the strongest Student Organization in Columbia College . Fusion, maintains a comfortable, creative environment offering special events and unique meetings. For two years was a refreshing ino-vation of one-culture club to a multicultural organization.
We will continue to recreate this special new sense of always magical Columbia Community.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 09-21-2002
Updated on 09-21-2002


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