Log in to add this person to friends Chicago, Illinois 60406 United StatesThis is a campus activist. Enoch Muhammad
Motivational Speaker, CEO of the Chicago-based Task Force Community Network, BOP National Leadership Development Director, Youth & Young Adult Self-Improvement Advocate, Illinois Delegate & Co-Chair of the National Hip-Hop Political Assembly, Supporter & Activist for the National African American Tobacco Prevention Network, and Community Grass-root Liaison to various music producer’s in the record industry; Enoch Muhammad aka N.O.C., with fourteen years of community activist experience is taking up the task of making a positive social & economic impact on the Youth and Young Adults in the city of Chicago and nation wide.
Enoch Muhammad began at the age of 19, working with progressive community based organizations while simultaneously working with Chicago Tip Records artist/rapper, “Prince Akeem†in 1991; Who at the time was working with Public Enemy & Ice Cube. This is when N.O.C. began learning both, “community activism & the music businessâ€, from hands-on-experience. Taking on the double duty of artist & business-person, Enoch Muhammad aka N.O.C., worked for Prince Akeem Entertainment as a Booking Agent, Publicist, Hype Man and Promoter. The success of N.O.C. as a music business person was quite noticeable and in the years to follow, more opportunities came for N.O.C. to use his skills to help entertainers & a host of unsigned Hip-Hop and R& B artist, along with various companies who needed pro-active, focused, persistent, action-oriented and dedicated music business persons that could be trusted.
While in college at SIUC, Enoch Muhammad took his experience as a community activist, and used it to start a chapter of the Black Think Tank, became 2nd Vice-President of the student chapter of the NAACP, began a chapter of the Nation Of Islam Student Association, and wrote a weekly column called “Shock 19†in the university’s newspaper, “The Daily Egyptianâ€. In 1999, Brother Enoch graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Communication.
In the year 2002, Brother Enoch, initiated a youth program called Operation Cultivation, which involved youth from 8th Grade to College. The program focused on Cultural Arts, Physical & Mental Wellness, Entrepreneurship, and Conflict-Resolution. The conflict resolution component, focused on developing Self-Leadership in youth, and educating youth in how to handle conflicts within themselves, with their parents, with their peers, & with those who are in an authoritative position. The first year of the program was a success, and it is still evolving & growing in the city of Chicago.
With this vast experience as a base, Brother Enoch “N.O.C.†Muhammad is committed to making positive & healthy change happen in the world.
Added on 02-14-2005 Updated on 02-15-2005 |