Advocacy Developers III Conference Announcement

AdvocacyDev III, Oakland, July 31 – August 2
The third convening of organizers, activists and
developers working with open source tools for
online advocacy and organizing will take place in
Oakland from July 31 to August 2. If you're
passionate about creating better tools for online
activists and organizers, please join us for
knowledge sharing and brainstorming!

Sessions will include:

* Show and tell on all the latest open source
eAdvocacy platforms and tools, including the
latest from CivicSpace/CiviCRM, Radical Designs
Activist Mobilization Platform (AMP), GoodStorm, and others,
* ScoutSeven's DotOrganize project, and the
findings of their research on needs and gaps in
nonprofit eAdvocacy and database needs.
* MobileVoter will share the latest in Cell
phone/SMS organizing techniques, and discuss how
to better integrate SMS support into open source eAdvocacy tools.
* PICnet will demo their brand-new
NonprofitSoapbox platform, which integrates other
open source tools and platforms
* Knowledge sharing and training: What trainings,
documentation and knowledge sharing is necessary
to grow the pool of practitioners in the
eAdvocacy space. What is needed to better empower
local organizers with local causes to use these tools?
* Open standards and open API's (Application
Programmer Interfaces) for eAdvocacy: what's
needed to allow better data sharing, pooling of
legislative and other public data, and feature
interoperability between platforms. What
eAdvocacy “mashups” are useful and possible?
* Usability: how can online activist tools be
made friendlier and more accessible for the
* Trainings and skillshares on various platforms, tactics, and

Electric Embers will host their second annual
Most Excellent AdvocacyDev Shindig BBQ on Monday night the 31st.

The event will take place at East Bay Community
Foundation Conference Center in Downtown Oakland.

Website: - should have more info about this event soon and a registration link.