My First Civicspace / Drupal Site

I am working on converting the existing Student Environmental Action Coalition website so that it runs on Civicspace/Drupal.

Check out the
New Version

Old Version

I still need to do some work on the SEAC logo, the color scheme, increasing the visibility of the navigation menu, and I'm going to rewrite all the forms so that they aren't so long (we had some 400+ line html pages) and to switch from using CGI to PHP for the form processing.

Some of the Advantages that I came up with for advocating this transition include:

  • Structure - maintain site structure: there is a stronger structure
    (categories, sub-categories), which you can see from the navigation

  • Dynamic - incorporate dynamic content - ex. feeds from or other organizations once they implement them
    (NYSPC, CIW, coalition partners, etc).

  • Blog: let people have blogs to create dynamic content about their
    group, campaign, politics, etc

  • Commenting - allow for commenting. You can add your opinions to many
    pages. While we can ban anonymous users, who would spam us, from

  • Moderation: we can restrict who can create new pages to people we
    trust, and for others there is a queue system so their page is sent
    to an administrator for approval.

  • Editing pages directly - you don't need to upload a page. FTP/Winscp
    becomes largely unnecessary for most people.

  • Improvements - this system will be constantly improved. For instance
    people are connecting it to an online database, working on mass
    mailing, mapping, and other functions. It's also being used and
    supported by liberals as a community platform for nonprofits.

    It will be interesting to see how well people pick up on learning how to use the software.