Mapping Lead in Philadelphia
Submitted by akreider on Sat, 04/23/2011 - organized free lead tests for a week. They tested over 350 samples, primarily from Philadelphia.
About 10% of the samples had > 1000 ppm lead (the point at which it becomes not so good for growing vegetables).
I color coded the markers based on lead levels and created this map:
Mapping Food Access
Submitted by akreider on Wed, 12/29/2010 - 16:56.The government has an interesting Food Environment Atlas that lets you map things by county.
One neat layer is pounds of fruits/veggies eaten at home per capita. They also have grocery store access, food prices, and a lot more!
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NY Times maps Census Data
Submitted by akreider on Tue, 12/28/2010 - 15:29.The NY Times has come up with a new map using Census data on income, race, housing, same sex partners, and education. Nifty interface!
The data is from 2005-2009, the American Community Survey, which is happens in-between the major decennial census.
They display the data at the census tract level if you zoom in. I cannot tell if they are trying to show block level data - as they have dots representing data on blocs, however I don't think the American Community Survey does blocks.
Mapping Human Development Index in the US
Submitted by akreider on Sun, 11/21/2010 - 00:15.Income, race, education, health, political participation and more -- all presented in a user friendly format.
The only downside is that their smallest area is a Congressional District. They should have done zip codes! More work, but so much more logical.
Heat Maps for Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Oil and other power plants
Submitted by akreider on Thu, 10/21/2010 - 23:38.I've got heat maps working for operating coal, nuclear, gas, biomass, hydro, and municipal solid waste incinerators.
I broke the lower 48 states in the US into around 700,000 grid squares. Roughly 3 x 3 mile.
You can see the heat map with the markers that link to more detailed facility information, or without them.
There are three different levels of color saturation which let you decide whether to show a map saturated with facilities, or a "points of light" view.
Detroit Incinerator - Mapping Income - United States Social Forum 2010
Submitted by akreider on Sun, 06/13/2010 - 15:34.This is my first take on mapping income near the Detroit Incinerator.
They are going to have a big protest of the facility during the US Social Forum.
1999. I copied and pasted FactFinder images together for the 482xx
series of zip codes. You can see that the incinerator (marked as black
Displaying KML in Google Maps API - ZCTA (Zip Codes)
Submitted by akreider on Mon, 06/07/2010 - 15:26.I am working on displaying zip codes in Google Maps for the Energy Justice Network power plants map. I'm using ZCTA (zip code) shape files that come from the Census Bureau. You can convert them from shapefile to kml using Geocommons. Unfortunately I need to do this for all 50 states - so it will take a while.
Now the really CRAZY part was that I was unable to get my KML files to show up in Google Maps. They showed up fine in Google Earth.
Mapping Landfills
Submitted by akreider on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 12:25.I recently got the landfills layer of data working on the Energy Justice Network Map. It features 2000 landfills from the EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program data set.
Go to the National Map - and turn on the layer (using the radio buttons) to see the landfills!
Mapping Walmarts and Groups Opposing Them
Submitted by akreider on Thu, 07/31/2008 - 00:39.Walmart Watch just came out with a
map of Walmarts.
You can find new stores or old stores. You can find stores near you. You can find stores that have been stopped. Users can update information about the store.
I like it because it's very similar to what the Energy Justice Network is going to be doing with our power plants map site. You can find power plants (instead of stores), update their information, find groups or start your own group to oppose them, and share resources (files).
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An Atlas of Radical Cartography
Submitted by akreider on Wed, 06/18/2008 - 00:56.A book that I recently noticed. Looks interesting. Unfortunately it looks a little on the theoretical/academic side, which has its place, but I'd really love to see more popular education oriented mapping projects.