Montserrat Volcano Victims' Work Permit DED
(Facilitator: Torli Krua)
On February 27, 2005, the US Department of Homeland Security terminated the work permits and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 292 refugees of the Montserrat Volcano of 1995, making it impossible for them to work and support their families. Reason for the termination: The volcano which destroyed 1/3 of the island and drove 8000 resident will continue to be active for the foreseeable future. The condition is perminent and therefore granting TPS is unwarranted. These people are human beings that need food, clothing and shelter and have US citizen children with human needs. Our campaign seeks a letter from members of Congress to President Bush asking him to kindly grant Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) a humanitarian measure available to the president of the USA to allow such victims to reside here and work legally for one year. A bill has been introduced in the House by Congressman Owens of New York, seeking permanent residency. DED is necessary while Congress considers this bill. Would you write your Congressman and ask him/her to kindly write a letter to president Bush seeking DED, consistent with his compassionate conservatism policies?
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 04-18-2005
Updated on 04-18-2005


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