- Customize it for your Campaign, Issue, or Network

Currently this website provides many powerful tools that you can use to promote a campaign, issue or network.

For instance, when you start a campaign, issue or network you get your own webpage. However the issue pages aren't controlled by anyone, and really you don't have much control over the page of campaign or network.

So we're going to change this by giving you a webpage that is part of the system, but is one that you can make your own.

You will be able to

  • Add a logo
  • Add a text header
  • Describe what you are about
  • Write your own "news"
  • Display events, resources, and groups (or other things) that relate solely to your campaign/issue/network.
  • The buttons for "Add Yourself" or "Add Your Group" will automatically affiliate the newly added person or group with your thing.
  • If you click on "Browse Events" or "Search Resources" from the dropdown JavaScript menu, the default action will be for these actions to take place in the context of events/resources that are connected to your thing. If the user wants to see all of the events, they will be able to click on a link to do so.
  • Show the number of people, groups, events, and resources are linked to your thing - providing users with a sense of the strength of your network and hopefully also its growth.
  • You can choose which functions you want to use. For instance, you might want to not use some functions (like having a database of email lists, or using our campaign updates system) just to keep things simple for your constituents.

    You might even be able to have the URL be your domain. You could have point to the webserver, and run off our software and database.

    Within the next month, you will be able to volunteer to be in charge of a customized page.

    Not only will you have your own customized page, all of your content will be in the general database and thus thousands of people doing general searches on the site will be exposed to your information.

    We're going to provide you with the best set of grassroots online activist tools that exists, and we're going to do it for free.

  • To some extent this system is

    To some extent this system is going to be replaced by a much more flexible one that allows for a near total customization - using SOAP/NuSOAP. This is now called the "grassroots online activism database" (perhaps GOAD? It needs a shorter name).

    Try it!

    You can see it work.

  • Parrots for Peace

  • Add Your Own

    Note - no guarantees. This isn't intended for public use yet. Just for testing.