Greenpeace Starts Work on an Online Activism Networking Application

Looks like (and to a lesser extent, because they don't seem to want to go the friendster/myspace route), except they're single issue. It will be interesting to see if they believe in open data or just open source. is publishing all of its data, with some privacy exceptions, via web-services. And whether anyone realizes it or not, this is currently working - see

"You can use it to start a group, share resources, publicise events, find contacts and build networks." - This sounds very close to language I've been using for a couple years.

From: Rolf Kleef

Custard, social software for campaigning
Melt, an online movement to take action on climate change


Climate change is one of the most serious threats facing the earth
today. It can only be solved through millions of people choosing
to change their behaviour. It is a bigger issue than any
organisation or government can hope to confront alone.

Melt (working title) is Greenpeace's response to this challenge.
Through this project we want to provide a place where everyone with
an interest in the climate change issue can come together, organise,
discuss and take action. Melt will go live in early 2006.


The software Melt will run on is called Custard, and is currently
being developed by Greenpeace International and Thoughtworks, to be
released under an LGPL license. We are combining "best practices" from
development methods and social software, to build a platform for Melt
and similar mass-mobilisation campaigns.

Join us on our blog to give your thoughts and inputs, and keep up to
date with the latest developments:

Original Design Specifications

Brief Design Specifications

Only 7 pages so it isn't hard to read.