(Facilitator: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation ) Congress plays a crucial role in maintaining and promoting US diplomatic, economic, and military support of Israel's occupation of Palestine. In order to change this, US citizens from a wide range of religious and ethnic backgrounds must let their Members of Congress know that they want them to pursue a balanced, constructive foreign policy that will lead to an end of the occupation and the establishment of a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The Legislative Project of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation will facilitate this process in several ways. It will track relevant pieces of legislation and other items on the Congressional agenda. This information will then be disseminated around the country through legislative "calls to action," complete with background information and talking points to empower activists to engage their elected representatives. The project also will promote citizen activism by encouraging regular meetings with Members of Congress both in Washington, DC and in their home districts.
http://www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?list=type&type=30Geographical Scope: National Added on 05-15-2009 Updated on 05-15-2009 |