(Facilitator: US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation ) As the Israeli “matrix of control” tightened its grip on the occupied Palestinian territories, with peoples and land separated by the separation wall barriers, settler-only roads, and tunnels it became impossible to ignore the apartheid nature of Israel’s occupation. Palestinian citizens of Israel face some 20 laws that discriminate against them, much as Black Americans had been treated during the Jim Crow era. Palestinian refugees and exiles continue to be denied the right to return while Israel’s Law of Return enables Jews from anywhere in the world to settle in Israel. In 2006, the US Campaign Assembly overwhelmingly resolved to adopt the language of apartheid and Jim Crow segregation in describing Israeli policies towards Palestinians. US Campaign staff and volunteers created powerful posters, fact sheets, and other resources to support member groups in their work.
http://www.endtheoccupation.org/article.php?list=type&type=198Geographical Scope: National Added on 05-15-2009 Updated on 05-15-2009 |