
Providence, Rhode Island
United States
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Artstorm is a network of artists and activists at Brown University working for radical social change. Our goal is to use the arts to increase awareness, create space for dialogue, and to inspire action on issues - such as corporate globalization and militarization - with an anti-oppression analysis, linking the effects of oppression at home with oppression abroad. Another priority is to facilitate communication and collaboration between both individuals and groups in the activist and artistic realms, and to illustrate the connections between different social movements and struggles. Posts are limited to these topics: using the arts for social change, making revolutionary art for an anti-oppressive and anti-racist movement, discussion of this mode of action, and local arts events pertaining to revolutionary social change. Please respect fellow subscribers and post non-arts related information and calls to action to
Added on 05-12-2004
Updated on 10-18-2006

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